Doctor May Not Distinguish Patients

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Selasa, 15 Maret 2011 | 21.56

A doctor charged in addition to professional  work also must not discriminate  patients, both in terms of religion, ethnicity, class, or rich and poor, said the rector of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta  Dasron  Hamid. "Suppose the patient is your own. Treat them regardless of religion, tribe, rich or poor,"

According to him, a doctor should treat patients in a professional, because basically what is done solely for the welfare and health of society as a whole.

Representatives of the Central Executive Council Diktilitbang (PP) Muhammadiyah Murdiyanto Joko said the medical profession can not be separated from two things, namely professionalism and humanism.

"In this case, a doctor must give priority to the interests of others, for example, was awakened at one o'clock in the morning because there are sick people who ask for treatment, it must be willing to help. A doctor must work to serve," he said.

In addition, doctors also need to learn all the time to add knowledge and abilities. Doctors also have to establish good communication with patients and their families.

"So far the problems between doctor and patient in the absence of good communication exists," he said.

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Doctor May Not Distinguish Patients

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