Poor patients are still complaining Service

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Selasa, 15 Maret 2011 | 22.01

Asien still complain of poor hospital care. Complaint related administrative services, nurses, doctors, healthcare facilities and infrastructure, advances hospitalization, the cost of drug purchases, as well as other hospital services.

This is revealed in a survey of Citizen Report Cards (CRC) 2010 by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) on 986 poor patients cardholder Community Health Insurance (Assurance), the Regional Health Insurance (Jamkesda), poor family cards (Gakin-Jakarta), and certificate can not afford (SKTM) in 19 government and private hospitals in the area of ​​Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi.

One result, about 70 percent of respondents still complained about hospital services.

In addition, the poor are still found in patients who are reluctant to use the card Jamkesmas, Jamkesda, and Gakin at the beginning of treatment, refused treatment for fear of a fine by the hospital. Rejection accompanied by reasons, such as bed management, had no medical equipment, and doctors or drugs are not available.

"This proves that the hospital services for poor patients do not get better," said health researcher ICW, Ratna Kusumaningsih, Monday (27/12).

Administrative complaint

Ratna said the administrative proceedings is the service most patients complained of by the poor. Of the 989 total respondents, 47.3 percent are still complaining about the service. Other complaints related to services of doctors, nurses, other hospital personnel, advances, rejection of the hospital, as well as facilities and hospital facilities.

In addition to complaints against the service, turned out to poor patients still spend some money for various fees. Complaints are still a cost, especially from patients who use SKTM.

Administrative proceedings SKTM also assessed the respondent takes time and considerable expense. SKTM card users are usually derived from patients' Sadikin "-a little sick to be poor-who do not get free medical treatment card (Jamkesmas, Jamkesda, or Gakin to Jakarta). They had to take care of medical expenses relief (SKTM) being unable to cover the cost. It's just that the maintenance of SKTM require substantial time and cost.

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Poor patients are still complaining Service

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